I’m typing on an old wobbly table facing a window to a green hillside. From the day we first brought the IKEA box home, one of the legs didn’t screw on properly. While it may have driven some people crazy we never cared enough to do anything about it. In fact what began as sheer laziness grew into a growing affection. The pre-mature weathering gives it character.

True to form, I am a person who gets sentimental about a mass manufactured piece of furniture. But it’s not any piece of furniture. You see, it’s the same table my partner and I purchased on a shoestring budget for our first place together. I’m fine pairing down our belongings during seasonal declutterings. Relived in fact. Little did we know our little starter table would be one of the few things to follow us from Florida to North Carolina and eventually California traveling across the country strapped to the roof of my car.

The table was always more than a place to gather for meals. The old reliable block of wood is home to daydreams, it’s where handwritten letters are kept alive and well and where projects are born into existence. Over the last year of the pandemic, it’s been an anchor for growth and creativity serving as my make-shift desk. Whether it’s a steady crawl or a magnetic pull, my writing corner has been my crutch gently coaxing me out of dark days when I would rather stay in bed. Beneath the unassuming surface is almost a decade’s worth of stories like initials etched in wet cement.

I flirted with idea of creating a blog for some time now. Long enough to stop before I started on multiple occasions. A paid domain name coupled with a partner rooting for me on the sidelines helped turn it into a breathing thing.

Writing is the way I best express myself. While I perpetually feel like a professional beginner in other areas of life, story-telling is something that comes more naturally. Someday I’ll return to my very first post and pinpoint the moment I gave my words the permission to stretch beyond my journal and Instagram captions. Here they have an intentional space to take root.

My favorite author, Mari Andrew offered readers a valuable life tip that I keep in my back pocket, “Go somewhere you may not fit in and take notes.” She taught me the art of becoming an observer and a historian of your own life. I think my fondest memories are directly correlated with how well I’m paying attention.

Welcome to the home of my ramblings; a place I draw stories from life’s simple pleasures and the big feelings I attach to them. The cabin door is open. Grab a mug and have a seat, just don’t mind the wobbly side of the table.


  1. Josie says:

    Love and enjoy reading your blogs, Amanda. Can’t wait for more to come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’re each other’s #1 fan. Always. Love you Mom!


  2. Josie Pancho says:

    Awesome read!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Josie Pancho says:

    Great blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Josie Pancho says:


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lindsay says:

    I cannot wait to read more! Your stories and posts always make me feel like I’m sitting by a fire with my favorite book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Truly the best compliment. Thank you for following along Lindsay. I’m happy you’re here.


  6. Eleni says:

    In LOVE with your blog Amanda! I feel so lucky to be able to watch this all unfold from the beginning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eleni, thank you for whispering life into this passion project. I needed a little nudging 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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